Slate Roof Repair Services

Slate Roof Repair Services

We Can Fix Any Slate Roof Problem

The Leeland's Logo is Your Symbol of Excellence in Slate Roof Installation, Maintenance and Repairs in PA, NY, NJ, MD, DE, VA and WV

Trusted Slate Roof Experts

While slate roofs are very aesthetically pleasing, they are also very functional, fireproof, and have a life expectancy of 100 to 150 years if roof repairs are performed when required. 

We are trusted experts in all types of slate roof repairs, including repairing improper face, nailing and cement use, repairing flashing, valleys, color mismatches, snow guards, gutters and masonry.


Rely on Leeland's For All Your Slate Roof Repairs

Many contractors attemp to tackle all phases of roofing, and therefore fail to perfect their skills in the art and science of slate roof repair and restoration. It’s wise to preserve your slate roof by contracting with Leeland’s for routine roof repair. Leeland's recognizes the value of your roof and we have the expertise to properly repair it. We can perform any slate-related roof repair service, whether it's replacing a few slates or installing an entire, custom slate roof.

There are several unique areas of repair which need to be understood in order to make a smart decision regarding your slate roof. Contact us to speak with an expert.

Typical Repair Needs We Encounter

Repairing Improper Face Nailing and Cement Use

Roofers inexperienced with slate may offer a quick fix resulting in future costs to properly restore your roof. An improper repair will generally last a few years, but as the material becomes brittle, a new leak is inevitable. 

Face-nailing is a common practice among roofers unfamiliar with proper slate repair techniques. While this method is much faster, it detracts from any residence with its cheap and unsightly appearance.
Example of improper face nailing, which will require a repair to your slate roof

Flashing Repair and Replacement

Not only do copper flashings look great, but they perform like no other material. Stronger than aluminum, it doesn’t rust like tin. Leeland’s custom forms all of our own flashing. This ensures that your building receives the perfect fit.

Over time, tin flashings rust through, causing wood deck deterioration and interior water damage. Due to the volume of water which passes over the typical metal flashing, these areas are more likely to create major interior problems once deterioration has begun.

Because of the technical expertise required to replace the metal valleys, most roofers will perform temporary patches utilizing roof cement or caulking.

Repairing Valleys

Copper valleys tend to develop holes after 40 - 60 years, however, slate can last for over 150 years. Holes may form at the edge of the slate. Once the wood deck is exposed, any deteriorated wood must be replaced. Finally, the new copper valley is replaced and the roof will be performing well for future generations.

Two courses of slate on either side must be removed in order for a valley to be properly replaced.

Valleys that have been coated with roof cement are a sure sign of previous water entry problems. Roof cement, however, is only a temporary solution for such problems.

Need Repairs? Contact Us Today!

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